Syncurio: Committed to Customer Excellence

When we built Syncurio, our mission was clear: to develop a software solution tailored to the specific needs of care home providers. We worked with real users, in real care homes, to understand their challenges and requirements to then build the best system for their needs.  We encourage a culture of continual improvement and development, ensuring that Syncurio remains a market-leading solution in the care sector.

Understanding customer needs

To further enhance our understanding of industry needs, we recently conducted an in-depth survey with our customers. We wanted to explore common operational challenges faced by care home providers and gather feedback on how Syncurio has been addressing their needs. The insights gained from this survey have been invaluable, shaping our roadmap for future development.

Among the standout attributes of Syncurio, as highlighted by our customers, are our innovative approach to data analysis, user-friendly interface, and efficient invoicing capabilities. These attributes, combined with our commitment to going above and beyond for our customers, are helping to solidify Syncurio’s position as the software partner of choice for care home providers.

Feedback from happy clients:

Innovative out of the box thinking, presenting simple data in a way that makes for powerful analysis, making it easier to monitor and control operations.”

“Easy invoicing and quick ways to access old invoices and make any changes that may be needed.”

“Intuitive user interface, which makes navigating and using the platform efficient and enjoyable.”

Future roadmap developments

In addition to the feedback received, we identified areas for future improvement and development. Based on this valuable customer input, we are adding new features to our development roadmap, including enhancements to holiday management and payroll processing speed. These updates will further streamline operations and improve efficiency for our users.

We recognise the importance of supporting our customers beyond software solutions and the input from our customer base has highlighted a common desire for additional support and advice on recruiting and retaining UK staff. We will be working with peers and stakeholders from the industry to create a resource to support on this. Keep your eyes peeled for more information here.

Above and beyond service and support

The Syncurio development team remains dedicated to delivering excellence in both software functionality and customer support, with users commenting that the team “always goes above and beyond.” Committed to continually improving Syncurio to meet the evolving needs of care home providers, we want to ensure our product is affordable, top-quality, easy to use and care-improvement driven.

Look out for more updates as we roll out more new features in the coming months.

For more information about Syncurio and to schedule a free demo, email or contact us at 020 4525 0299.

Stay up to date with the latest news and goings on from Syncurio on LinkedIn.

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