Personalise Billing with Custom Resident Invoice

Syncurio’s custom resident invoice feature allows care homes to create tailored invoices with ease for accurate and billing across multiple funding sources.

Custom invoices showing how easy it it to change the way invoices look and feel.

Craft Professional Customised Resident Invoices and Correspondence.

Syncurio makes creating customised invoices and credit notes simple and effective. Show either a gross or net fee based on the full cost of care provision, customise logos, colours and text to look and feel like your home. Don’t want to show the resident name? No problem, select from one of four ways per funding source of identifying the individual.

Syncurio backs up the invoice with a fully customised email. Have full control over the content, from the greeting all the way to the footer. We’ll even send bcc’s of the invoices to an internal email group so it’s not just a report that says the email’s been sent, you have an exact copy of it.

Key Features of Syncurio’s Custom Resident Invoice System for Care Homes

Custom Logos

Syncurio allows you to select the same or different logos on both invoice and email for each home in your group.

Multiple indentifiers

Some care fees will need different ways to identify who the care has been provided for. With Syncurio you can customise the invoice to identify the care fee by one of four different ways.

Charity Support

Syncurio allows you to put either the Company or Charity number on your email and invoice.

Net and Gross Invoicing

Show either a net or gross fee so the payee knows how much the total fee should be. Customisable per funding source per home.

Custom Comments

If you need to add some additional information on the invoice Syncurio allows you to add a custom comment.

BCC Sending

The Syncurio invoicing system allows for the bccing of all your invoices to an internal mailbox or group for complete peace of mind when sending.

“We used to only be able to send the same invoice to each funding source. With Syncurio the flexibility has been phenemoenal. It really feels looks and feels like our home.”

Judith – Accounts Administrator

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